Growth & Trend
Invoices, Revenue & AR
This graph shows the trend data from the legal CRM by month for Invoices billed, revenue collected, and AR (accounts receivable).
Filter Invoices, Revenue & AR graph by practice area to see what areas of practice are the most profitable for your firm.
Sales - cash basis, Cash Flows & Net Income
This graph shows the trend data from the accounting system by month for Sales (cash basis), Cash Flow, and Income Margin. This graph can reveal how profit relates to cash flow and where any business cycles exist.
Total Revenue vs Operating Expenses and Draws
This graph shows the trend data by month of Total Revenue, Operating expenses, and Owner Draws. This graph can reveal if cash flow and profits are being distributed to owners each month.
*Important* be sure to map the correct accounts in the Account Setup in the settings menu.
Net Income Margin
Client Expenses, Operating overheads, Wages & Salaries
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