Growth & Trend
Target Hours vs Actual Billed
This is a firm wide heat map by user in the legal CRM to compare available time vs. worked time, billed time, and collected time. Available time is based on the employee set up total of hours per month. Worked time is the amount of time entered in the legal CRM, billable and non billable. To exclude non billable time, there is a checkbox in the upper right hand corner of the heat map.
Billed time is how much billable time is in the legal CRM and is currently being included on a customer invoice, no work in process. Collected time is how much billable time in the system that is on an invoice and has been marked as paid.
There are many different display options on this graph. Toggle between hourly, contingency, and flat fees for the types of time entries in the legal CRM. Toggle between hour, value, and percentage for the category of data to display. All options provide a quick visual comparison of who are the most productive members of the law firm.
Target, Forecast & Actual Billed Time
This graph displays the month by month comparison of actual time (line), targets in the set up (red bar), forecasted time (green bar), moving average (yellow bar), and forecasted moving average (yellow bar with future dates).
The red bar targets remain unchanged because they are part of the employee’s set up. The forecasted green bar changes dynamically to show how much more or less the employee has to bill each month in order to hit their targets at the end of the year.
The moving average yellow bar functions to show the actual moving average based on the prior 3 months of actual values. Once the graph moves into future periods, the yellow bar shows the required moving average the rest of the year in order to meet targets.
Target, Forecast & Actual vs Forecast (Cumulative)
This graph shows the actual (line), as compared to the targets (red bar) and the forecasted time (green bar) as a cumulative figure through the end of the current year.
The user can quickly compare whether the firm is going to meet targets (line compared to red bars) and see what the forecast (green bars) is based on the difference.
Filter by users to review each member of the law firm.
In this graph we can see that based on the past performance, Jan - March 2021. This firm will be even on their forecast (green bar) and target (red bar) in July, and start to be behind in August when their forecast (green bar) overtakes their target (red bar).
Worked, Billed, Collected Time
This graph displays the 3 time categories as compared to total available time. Total available time is defined as 150 hours a month and can be changed in the employee setups.
The absolute values are displayed under each dial based on the current filter that is applied. The comparison of all 3 time categories to total available time gives the firm a quick picture of how much available time is being eaten up with admin or otherwise time that isn’t being captured as being assigned to a matter, billable or non billable.
Utilization, Realization & Collection Ratios
This graph shows the month to month comparison in a bar graph firmwide, instead of the heat map by employees, at the beginning of the productivity dashboard using similar metrics.
Utilization is the amount of worked time as compared to available time. Realization is the amount of worked time that is considered billable and present on a customer’s invoice. Collection shows the amount of that billable time that is on a customer’s invoice that has been collected.
The same filters can be applied including by the user. This display lets you see the relative size of each metric as opposed to just the values in the heat map.
AOP (Area of Practice)
AOP by Productivity
The default filters for AOP are for the total amount of data within the system. This graph shows you at a glance where the law firm is spending its time and resources by area of practice and what your collection rates are across the board.
The Utilization amount (yellow bar) shows in hour or value the total amount of billable and non billable by area of practice.
The Realization amount (red bar) shows in hour or value the total amount of billable time by area of practice.
The Collection amount (green bar) shows in hour or value the total amount of billable time that was collected by area of practice.
Comparing the Utilization to the Realization can reveal areas of practice that have large write offs.
Comparing the Realization to the Collection can reveal areas of practice with poor collection rates from customers.
Users by Productivity
User by Productivity shows the following metrics in a bar graph by user in either hours or value.
Available metric (blue bar) shows the total available time or value for the user as defined in the employee setups.
Worked metric (yellow bar) shows the total worked time or value for the user billable or non billable as entered in the practice management system.
Billed metric (red bar) shows the total billable time or value that is present on a customer invoice as entered in the practice management system.
Collected metric (green bar) shows, of the billable time or value that is present on customer invoice, the amount that has been paid within the practice management system.
Use the label toggles to toggle off available time to “zoom in” on the performance of employees.
The filter can also be applied with AOP (area of practice) to show employee performance of AOP’s of interest from the AOP graph. For example, the poor collection rates of certain employees may
affect an area of practice’s profitability.
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